HC Deb 29 July 1918 vol 109 c27
44. Mr. DUFFY

asked the Food Controller whether he is aware that bacon is, and for some weeks past has been, unprocurable in many parts of Ireland; and, in view of the fact that quantities of American bacon are stored at Bristol, Liverpool, and other British ports, whether he will direct that a fair share of this bacon be diverted to Ireland to reasonably meet the needs of the population?


The quantity of bacon produced in Ireland is at present less than the requirments of the people of that country, and on the 24th July the Food Controller proposed to the Irish Food Control Committee that this shorts age should be made good by the export of American bacon from Great Britain. Permission has been given to export immediately 1,000 boxes, which is the quantity asked for by the Irish Committee. Such additional quantities as may be needed will be exported from time to time.

Colonel THORNE

If there be so much bacon, why is it allowed to accumulate at Bristol, Liverpool, and other ports, to the detriment of other parts of the country, and will the hon. Gentleman do his level best to get a better distribution?


The Food Controller hopes that the steps recently announced will meet that point.