HC Deb 18 July 1918 vol 108 cc1222-3
85. Mr. WATT

asked the Minister of National Service whether he is aware that men between fifty-one and fifty-three years of age are being called up in several districts, and in particular in the Guildford region, and that his Department have already been informed of these facts; will he say on what authority this is being done; and, if on none, what he proposes to do to remedy the matter?


Errors of this kind arise through men having stated their age incorrectly at the time of National Registration. A considerable number of men, on receiving calling-up notices, have interviewed National Service officials, and have stated that at the time of registration they gave their age approximately, not being certain of it to a year or two. They are now producing birth certificates or other satisfactory evidence. All possible steps are being taken to prevent men not under the Military Service Acts receiving calling-up notices.

86. Mr. WATT

asked the Minister of National Service whether a promise was given to the House that before calling up men over fifty years of age intimation of such intention would be given to the House; and, if so, whether that promise has been carried out?


No, Sir; I am not aware of any such promise. I think my hon. Friend must have in mind the provision to extend the Act by Order in Council to men up to fifty-six years of age. On the discussion of this provision in Committee, it was decided to require that before such an Order in Council is made it shall be presented in draft to each House of Parliament and not submitted to the King unless each House addresses His Majesty praying that the Order may be made.