HC Deb 18 July 1918 vol 108 cc1219-20
82. Mr. JOWETT

asked the Minister of National Service if his attention has been called to the case of David Lewis Daniels, aged twenty-three, of 33, Gertrude Street, Abercynon, who was medically examined for military service a year ago and was rejected, and was again rejected seven months ago, was afterwards ill for five months, then passed into the Army (15th May) classified as Grade 1; if he is aware that Daniels informed the examiners on 15th May that he had pains in the head at the time, and that although his panel doctor had refused to give him a certificate to that effect he had, in fact, been treated for neuritis; if he is further aware that in the interval between being passed Grade 1 and being called up on 25th May Daniels was ill in bed and his calling-up date was extended to the 27th of May, when, although still ill, his father took him to Cardiff, where he had to report himself for military service, and insisted on seeing the doctor there, who told him that he could not bother with him, but if he was ill he would be treated at Rhyl; if he is also aware that a few days after his arrival at Rhyl Daniels was found unconscious and was taken to the hospital, and died about a fortnight later; and if he will have an inquiry made into the conduct of all the authorities concerned in this case?

The MINISTER of NATIONAL SERVICE (Sir Auckland Geddes)

I had not heard of this case until I saw the hon. Member's question, but full investigation is being made.