HC Deb 18 July 1918 vol 108 c1200
2. Major NEWMAN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware of the anxiety felt by their relatives and friends for the members of the British colony still left at Petrograd in view of the reported outbreak of cholera and shortage of food and necessaries; has it been possible to get through any supplies; and has he any assurance that what is sent is allowed to reach those to whom it is consigned by those who are attempting to exercise authority in that city?

The MINISTER of BLOCKADE (Lord R. Cecil)

Arrangements were made early in May for the transport of a certain quantity of foodstuffs then at Archangel to Petrograd for the use of the British community there, but I have no information that the supplies in question have reached their destination. His Majesty's Consul at Petrograd has been asked by telegraph to report on this point.

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