HC Deb 08 July 1918 vol 108 c23

asked the Minister of National Service if he is aware that the Ashbourne district of Derbyshire, with a population of 4,000, is served by three doctors, of whom one is under forty years of age and has a partner able to carry on the practice, while the Shire-brook district, with a population of 12,000, has only two doctors; and whether an arrangement will be made to bring about a better and fairer distribution of the medical service available?


The number of doctors in the Ashbourne district is as stated by my right hon. Friend, but he is misinformed as to the age of the practitioner referred to, who is over forty and fit for home service only. For the reasons stated in the reply which I gave to my right hon. Friend on 24th June, the number of doctors in the Ashbourne district is considered to be no more than adequate, and it would not be wise to reduce it further. Endeavours will be made, so far as circumstances permit, to supplement the existing medical provision for Shirebrook.