§ It is hereby declared that the powers as to the provision of scholarships conferred by Subsection (2) of Section twenty-three of the Education Act, 1902, and by Section eleven of the Education (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1907, include a power to provide allowances for maintenance.—[Mr. Haydn Jones.]
§ Brought up, and read the first time.
1801§ Mr. HAYDN JONESI beg to move, "That the Clause be read a second time."
This Clause is to provide for the maintenance of poor children who receive scholarships. It is simply a declaratory Clause, and nothing else.
Sir M. BARLOWI have had the privilege of raising this point a good many times already, and I understand that, as a result of arguments that have been put before the Board, they are prepared to accept the Amendment which also stands in my name, in the same terms, a little lower down on the Paper. I would affirm the necessity of something of this kind being done by referring to a meeting of the Workers' Educational Association, held on Saturday. It is very significant that practically the whole of their discussion proceeded on these lines. Energetic members of the association up and down the country explained that many of the parents in the industrial districts show greater keenness than ever existed before in regard to education It was found that the parents are very anxious about the question of maintenance in the case of children who receive scholarships. In the old days scholarships could only be given on the basis of education, but now we want to extend the basis, though this Clause will not carry us very far even if accepted, and I would venture to warn the President of the Board of Education that he will have to consider the making of further provision, if it is really wished to get effective work, by extending the aid afforded in poorer industrial areas.
§ Mr. LEWISThis new Clause is declaratory, and makes it clear that the provision made for those who receive scholarships includes maintenance.
§ Sir C. BATHURSTI should like to understand how far this declaratory Clause carries us. Am I to understand that the scholarships are in the elementary schools, or are they scholarships in secondary schools, and, in any case, will the Clause apply not only to scholarships provided by the local education authority but to scholarships which are given from private sources? Supposing a private individual provides a scholarship, is it open, under this provision, to ask the local education authority to provide the necessary maintenance to enable the child to enjoy a scholarship of that character?
§ Mr. LEWISI take it that would be a matter within the discretion of the local education authority itself. As a matter of fact, this declaratory Clause relates to both elementary and secondary schools.
§ Question put, and agreed to.
§ Clause added to the Bill.