HC Deb 31 January 1918 vol 101 cc1713-4
2. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has had his attention directed to the recent discussion at a special meeting of the Dublin Corporation and to the Report of the corporation's states and finance committee in relation to the supply of coal from Irish collieries, and, in this connection, whether any and, if so, what steps were intended. to be taken to relieve the congestion at the Castlecomer collieries and to provide transit facilities for these collieries, with a view to enabling their stocks to be made available for public consumption, and,. further, for the purpose of securing an increase in their output?


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is now in a position to state what is the decision of the Government with regard to the project of building a railway from Castlecomer, county Kilkenny, to the main line in order to transport the coal which is lying idle at the pithead?


I have seen a newspaper report of the proceedings of the Dublin Corporation referred to by the hon. Member for the Harbour Division. The question of improving the transit facilities at these collieries is at present under discussion between the owner, the Irish Office and the Board of Trade.


Is their any prospect of any arrangement being brought about while the coal famine exists in Ireland, as this matter has been going on for twenty years?


It is very difficult in a question of this kind which has been awaiting solution for twenty years to find an emergency solution, but I am doing my best.

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