HC Deb 24 April 1918 vol 105 c987
43. Mr. WATT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, when merchants in this country make application for allotted space to bring tinned apples from Canada, they are referred by his Department to Mr. Smith, 165, Broadway, New York; if so, will he explain how it is that anyone in that city has control over Canadian shipments to this country; and can he say whether Mr. Smith is likely to grant our merchants any licence to ship the above merchandise urgently wanted by the people here?


While it is impossible to give priority to secondary foodstuffs over cereals, meat, bacon, and other articles of primary importance, it sometimes happens that a ship has a small amount of space unexpectedly available for shipment of miscellaneous foods. In order that no such space shall be wasted, private shippers are advised to instruct their agents in America to notify the representative of the Ministry of Food in that country of all foodstuffs available for shipment. Sir Guy Granet, who has succeeded Mr. Owen Smith as representative of my Department in North America, is also Chairman of the Allied Provisions Export Commission, whose offices are at 165, Broadway, New York.

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