HC Deb 21 November 1917 vol 99 cc1162-3
14. Mr. KING

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether Mr. Sly, mentioned by Sir John Anderson as having shot the Uduwa Arachchi on 15th June, 1915, in Ceylon, is still a justice of the peace and an unofficial police magistrate; and whether he is aware of the comments made on Mr. Sly's conduct by Sir John Anderson?


I have approved Sir John Anderson's proposal to remove Mr. Sly from his appointment as Justice of the Peace and unofficial police magistrate, and I have no doubt that his removal has been carried out. Sir John Anderson's comments on his conduct were made in a dispatch addressed to me.

15. Mr. KING

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will give the name of the official who drew up the proclamation issued in Ceylon during June, 1915, by Government agents and assistant Government agents; whether he is aware that Sir John Anderson declares this proclamation to have been badly drawn and that it may have been in part the cause of the irregularities which occurred; and whether the official who drew up the proclamation is still employed by the Government?


This proclamation was drawn up in slightly varying forms by Government agents and assistant Govern- ment agents under general instructions given to them to meet a pressing emergency by the general officer commanding the troops, who had been entrusted by the Governor with the administration of martial law.

Sir J. D. REES

Did not these officials face a situation of great danger with courage and resource, and are not these ungenerous attacks likely to promote trouble in the island at the present crisis?


The courage with which great emergencies have been dealt with by these officials has been constantly pointed out. I agree with the latter part of my hon. Friend's question.


Did every one of these Proclamations contain the injunction to shoot at sight, out of which the state of lynch law referred to by Sir John Anderson arose, and was that order to shoot at sight approved by the Attorney-General?


That has never been alleged by anyone.


It is in the White Paper.