HC Deb 28 March 1917 vol 92 cc394-5

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty under what authority the Press is now prevented from publishing any account of any vessel sunk in connec- tion with the War, even when it is a transatlantic liner; whether he will give the House any particulars of a Cunard liner said to have been recently sunk, the number of persons on board, and the number lost; whether their relatives have been communicated with; whether the cause of the sinking was a British mine; whether in deep or shallow water; and whether any inquiry will be instituted?


The reply to the first part of the question is that any such request is made on the authority of the Government. No discrimination is made in such request between liners and other vessels. It has been decided by the Government, in consultation with its Allies, that only numbers of ships lost shall be published, in order to withhold information from the enemy which he has, in many cases, no means of otherwise obtaining It is not, therefore, in the interests of the country to give the information desired. But it may be stated that in all cases Lloyd's and the owners are confidentially informed, and the latter communicate with all relatives.


Is the Admiralty aware that enemy newspapers publish every day a list of the ships, giving the name and tonnage of the ship, of British, neutral and Allied countries, and, if that is in the knowledge of the Admiralty, can he say whether the lists published in enemy newspapers are accurate or inaccurate?


I cannot say whether they are accurate or inaccurate. I do not propose to give any indication as to whether they are or not.


Is it not the business of the Admiralty to watch things like that and see if they can derive any advantage from them?


With all due respect to the hon. Member, I think the Admiralty might be trusted to do that without the hon. Member suggesting it.


Does the right hon. Gentleman include in the things not to be told in the public interest the question whether any inquiry will be held in this case?


I cannot add to my answer.