HC Deb 19 March 1917 vol 91 cc1548-9
57. Mr. D. MILLAR

asked the Prime Minister whether he will see that the arrangements made by the Controller of Mines for the State control and management of the coal mines are first communicated to the House of Commons before being intimated to the Press; and whether he is now in a position to make any statement on the subject?


The Prime Minister has asked me to answer this question. If the hon. Member has in mind an announcement made in the Press on the 6th March, I should explain that it had been intended to give the information contained therein in reply to a question of which the hon. Member for Cardiff had given notice for Thursday, 1st March. He was asked to be good enough to postpone his question until Monday, 5th March, and did so, but did not then put it. I am not at present in a position to make a further statement as to the arrangements for the State control of coal mines?


May I ask whether the hon. Gentleman intends to indicate that in future any important announcements relating to the work of this Department will be made to the House of Commons in the first place?


Certainly. The hon. Member is aware of what I said in my reply. A private notice question was given, and I had a reply, but the hon. Member who gave the notice did not happen to be in the House, and therefore did not put his question. I asked him to put it again on the succeeding day, but he did not put it then. I thought it of some public importance and published the reply.


The question I asked was whether in future announcements would be made in this House relating to developments with regard to this new Department?


Certainly; I prefer that.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that statements are being made—


The hon. Member has availed himself of his opportunity for asking supplementary questions to the fullest extent to-day, and other Members should now have a chance of asking their questions.


I will raise it on the Report stage.