HC Deb 06 March 1917 vol 91 c206

asked the First Commissioner of Works, as representative of the Petrol Committee, whether the restriction on petrol for private use will be so qualified as to permit those private owners who use their cars for Red Cross hospital work and for locomotion in the country to sittings of the various war committees and local government and magisterial meetings to procure sufficient petrol for these purposes?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. The Petrol Control Committee hope to be able to continue to give favourable consideration to applications for petrol for Red Cross hospital work and other work of national importance for which the use of a motor-car is necessary, but their ability to do so must necessarily depend upon the amount of petrol available.


Will the hon. Gentleman make an arrangement by which the secretary of the Petrol Committee replies to communications which are addressed to him in some period under six months?