HC Deb 06 March 1917 vol 91 cc220-1
76. Mr. O'MALLEY

asked the Chief Secretary whether the decision of the Congested Districts Board to suspend the purchase of estates during the War applies to those small estates in Connemara where the condition of the tenants demands the earnest and immediate consideration of the Board; and whether the Congested Districts Board will consider the advisability of purchasing the Livesey state, Kilbride, Connemara, and the Cappana-gopple estate, in the same district, owned by Mr. Lynch, a Local Government Board inspector?


The estates referred to have not been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board, and the Board have been obliged to suspend negotiations for the purchase of further estates in the scheduled congested districts, including Connemara.

77. Mr. O'MALLEY

asked the Chief Secretary whether the promise made on behalf of the Congested Districts Board by Sir Henry Doran when negotiations for the purchase of the Berridge estate, Connemara, were being carried on, was that the tenants would be allowed a reduction in their rents from 8s. 5d. to 9s. 3d. in the £ whether he is aware that the reductions allowed since the purchase of the estate, nearly five years ago, are only from 3s. to 4s. in the £ and whether the promised reductions will be allowed as from the time of the purchase?


No promise of the kind was made to the tenants. It was explained that in the event of sale to the Congested Districts Board holdings under £7 valuation which do not need alteration prior to re-sale would be liable to annuities from 6s. 4d. to 9s. 2d. in the £ less than the former rents, according to the tenure of the holdings. Holdings over £7 valuation would be re-sold at one year's purchase higher than those under £7 valuation, and the difference between rent and purchase annuity would, therefore, be correspondingly less. In accordance with settled procedure, the tenants on the estate, pending execution of sale agreements following rearrangement of their holdings where necessary receive abatements of 3s. and 4s. in the;£, according to their tenures. The purchase annuities will not become payable until the tenants have signed their agreements and advances have been sanctioned by the Irish Land Commission.