HC Deb 06 March 1917 vol 91 c221

(by Private Notice) asked the Chief Secretary if he is now in a position to announce what arrangements have been decided on with regard to the fixing of a minimum wage for agricultural labourers in Ireland, and whether it has been decided to set up a tribunal for the settlement of disputed points in regard to equivalents in kind and other matters?


Yes, Sir. It is proposed to entrust the administration of the scheme to a small central committee, and to deal with the different areas affected through the agency of the county councils, whose local knowledge and associations will enable them to secure the services in the several districts of representatives of employers and employed. It is hoped that in every district where differences arise a tribunal so constituted will be available to deal promptly with such differences. I expect that the central body will be constituted in course of the present week.


The right hon. Gentleman has not stated what the minimum wage will be, whether it will be the same as is fixed already for Great Britain, or whether it will be a subject to be decided by the tribunal?


That is not included in the question, of which the hon. and learned Gentleman gave me notice.