§ 13. Mr. FIELDasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that it was the intention of the Treasury in April, 1916, to place existing Irish prison warders on identical pay, as well as all the other conditions of service, with the English warders; whether he has been informed that the pay is now identical, as given in his answer to the hon. Member for Queen's County in December last; will he say why the Treasury Order has not been complied with; whether he is aware that, whilst all other conditions of service have been made identical, the pay and lodging allowances have not; and will he now endeavour to bring about a contented Irish prison service by taking immediate steps to have the pay and lodging allowances made identical for the existing Irish prison warders?
§ Mr. DUKESo far as I am aware, the intention of the Treasury in this case has been fully carried out. I dealt fully with this matter in answer to a question by the hon. Member on the 19th instant, and to another question by the hon. Member for College Green on the 14th instant.
Mr. NUGENTWhat are the reasons that these warders in Ireland should not be placed on the same terms as the warders in Great Britain?
§ Mr. DUKEThe prison warders in Ireland were dealt with under a separate scheme arranged between the Treasury and the Prisons Board. So far as I know the provisions of that separate scheme have been fairly carried into effect. I told the hon. Member so quite recently that if, after watching the operation of the scheme, there seemed a necessity for making further reports I should make them.
Mr. NUGENTIs the right hon. Gentleman prepared to see one or two Members on the question and investigate it?