§ 45. Mr. J. M. HENDERSONasked the Prime Minister whether he will lay upon the Table the terms of the reference to the Commissioners to be appointed for England and Wales, Ireland and Scotland in relation to the proposed State purchase of the liquor traffic and will he afford the House an opportunity of discussing the said terms?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWThe terms of reference will be laid upon the Table, but, as I have already stated, no action will be taken by the Government until the Committees have reported and the subject has been discussed in the House.
§ Mr. HENDERSONAre we, then, finally to understand that this Committee will not be in any way empowered and that the House will not be committed to this operation without its being discussed here?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI have stated quite clearly that the House will not be committed in any way until they have had an opportunity of discussing it.
§ Mr. LEIF JONESMay we take it that nothing whatever will be done to prejudice the position of the House by the Committee until the House has considered the matter?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI do not know exactly what my right hon. Friend means. The Committee may prejudice the, Government in favour, and, if that prejudices the House, then the House will be prejudiced.
§ Mr. JONESWhat I want to know is whether the rights of the House to accept or refuse any schemes put forward will not be in any way prejudiced before the House has considered them?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWThat is all that is involved in the appointment of this Committee, but I do not wish it to be understood it may not be necessary to take some form of control before, but, if so, it will not be done until the House has had an opportunity of discussing it.
§ Mr. DEVLINIs not everyone opposed to control? There is a difference of opinion about State purchase, but is not everyone opposed to control?
§ Mr. D. MILLARCan the right hon. Gentleman tell us when the terms of reference will be laid on the Table?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWAlmost immediately.
§ Mr. MILLARThis week?
§ Mr. SPEAKERWhenever this topic comes up there is a debate.