HC Deb 21 June 1917 vol 94 c1960
58. Mr. WATT

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the fact that a vacancy has occurred among the judges of the Court of Session in Scotland; and, if so, whether he will consider the advisability of suggesting to those who have the nomination of a new judge that no fresh appointment should be made during the currency of the War, in order to save to the nation in these times the annual salary of such judge, keeping in view the fact that litigation is at a low ebb in the Court of Session and that more than half the members of the Bar are doing their duty to their country elsewhere by serving in the military and naval forces?


I am aware of the vacancy in question, and I take note of my hon. and learned Friend's suggestion.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that litigation is so slack in the Court of Session that some of the judges are going outside to do other work and taking up directorships?