HC Deb 20 June 1917 vol 94 c1799

acquainted the House that he had received the following telegram from Monsieur Rodzianko, President of the Russian Duma, which he read to the House, as follows:

Text of Telegram sent by Monsieur Rodzianko, President of the Duma, to the Speaker of the Rouse of Commons.

Petrograd, 11th June, 1017.

"Profoundly touched by the Resolution conveying the fraternal greetings of the House of Commons upon the advent of free institutions in Russia, I have the honour to tender, in the name of the Deputies and my own, our heartiest thanks to the mother of Parliaments. We also firmly believe that, however numerous the difficulties we meet on our way to progress and victory, the New Russia, side by side with her noble Allies, will finally triumph over the last bulwark of autocracy in Europe, for the cause of universal peace and civilisation"