HC Deb 19 June 1917 vol 94 c1596
26. Major NEWMAN

asked the Undersecretary for War whether he is aware that by the regulation of the Petrol Committee omnibuses or char-a-bancs to provide wounded soldiers with fresh air and recreation cannot be supplied with the necessary petrol except with a special permit, and that on recent occasions this permission has been refused; and will he make instant and urgent representations to the Board of Trade or whatever department is responsible for the activities of the Petrol Committee on the subject?


I am informed that the Petrol Control Committee have arranged with the Joint War Committee (Red Cross) for the issue of special allowances of petrol to be used in connection with the conveyance of wounded soldiers for health drives in those cases where the drives are recommended by the hospital doctors, as well as in all cases where the wounded men are unable to walk. This arrangement has been in force since August last. The Petrol Control Committee are, I understand, very anxious to meet applications for petrol for this purpose, and they much regret that the shortage of petrol supplies will not permit of more being done.