HC Deb 13 June 1917 vol 94 cc948-9
98. Mr. FIELD

asked the Chief Secretary whether he has received a resolution passed at a meeting in St. Patrick's Division asking for the establishment of a wages board in Dublin; and, if so, whether the Government will give this request favourable consideration?

The MINISTER of LABOUR (Mr. Hodge)

My right hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. He has not received the resolution referred to. I have nothing to add to my answers to the hon. Member's questions of 26th April and 2nd May.


Has the right hon. Gentleman nothing to add to the policy of doing nothing in this matter, which has been adopted by his Department?

94. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Chief Secretary if a Committee will be appointed to inquire into the question of inadequate wages and unemployment in Ireland?


I am not aware of any special circumstances making a general inquiry as to wages desirable at the present time, though as I have previously explained to the hon. Member, inquiries are being made both in Great Britain and Ireland as to the conditions in certain trades to which it has been suggested that the Trade Boards Act should be extended. As regards unemployment, I would point out that there is an urgent demand for many kinds of labour in Great Britain.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that 16s. is being paid to market men in the employment of the Department of Agriculture? Would he advocate that as a living wage?


I am afraid that does not come within the province of my Department. The hon. Member requires to make an application to the Board of Agriculture.


Are we to understand from that reply that the situation is met by the fact that there is employment in Great Britain?


In view of the statement that the question should be addressed to another Department, will the right hon. Gentleman notice that the question is really addressed to the Chief Secretary?