HC Deb 12 June 1917 vol 94 c746
2. Mr. KING

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, having regard to President Wilson's statement on 2nd April, 1917, when the United States declared war on Germany, that the United States will desire nothing so much as an early re-establishment of intimate relations between the peoples of the United States and Germany, he will Bay whether the United States Government has been asked to adhere to the policy of the Paris Conference; if so, whether any reply has been received; and, if no indication of President Wilson's attitude has been given since 2nd April, and assuming complete harmony between the United States and this country, whether the early re-establishment of intimate relations with the German people is one of the objects of our national policy?


The answer to the two first parts of the question is in the negative. With regard to the last part, I have nothing to add to the previous declarations! of His Majesty's Government on the subject.