§ Mr. GEORGE LAMBERT(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether, arising out of his answer yesterday to the effect that Lord Lytton is a member of the Board of Admiralty, it is to be understood that the newly-created office of Additional Parliamentary Secretary is included in the Patent constituting the Board?
§ Dr. MACNAMARANo, Sir. The office of Additional Parliamentary Secretary, like that of the Parliamentary and Financial and the Permanent Secretary, is not included in the Patent. The holders of the offices of Parliamentary and Financial Secretary and Permanent Secretary attend all Board meetings by decision of the Board. The holder of the office of Additional Parliamentary Secretary is invited to be present by the First Lord. I have, therefore, to correct the answer I gave yesterday in reply to a Supplementary Question by my right hon. Friend, in which I stated that Lord Lytton is a Member of the Board. That is not so.