§ 45. Major HUNTasked the Prime Minister how many Royal and other Commissions, Special Committees, and Departmental Committees have been appointed by Parliament since the commencement of the War; how many of these Commissions and Committees are now sitting; is there any limit to the tonnage of paper which they are allowed to use in connection with the businesses and the Reports they issue; and, in view of the wastage of paper by the Government and the threatened paper shortage, will the Government assist the Press of the country by doing all they can to prevent any more paper being used on Government work than is absolutely necessary?
§ Mr. BALDWIN (Joint Financial Secretary to the Treasury)As regards the first and second parts of this question, perhaps the hon. and gallant Member will 1905 await the Return which has already been promised by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer; but I may say at once that every effort is made by the Treasury to limit the expenditure on paper in connection with Committees. A circular issued to public Departments on the 15th October, 1915, drew special attention to the necessity of economising in printing, and asked that every effort should be made to reduce both the number and bulk of publications; while the Controller of the Stationery Office was asked to require special authority from the Treasury for any publication in which, in his opinion, economies could be effected. Further, all secretaries of Commissions and temporary Committees are instructed to reproduce documents wherever possible by some other process than by printing, and special sanction is now required for the printing of verbatim reports of evidence.
§ Mr. J. MacVEAGHCan my hon. Friend say when he proposes to issue to Members a notebook containing a list of the Committees and Commissions of these Departments as promised by the Leader of the House some months ago?
§ Mr. BALDWINI am afraid that I cannot answer that question.
§ Mr. SWIFT MacNEILLWould not that be a very great waste of paper too?