HC Deb 11 July 1917 vol 95 c1906
57. Major NEWMAN

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the apprehensions felt by our French Allies at the shortage of fuel in Paris and elsewhere during the coming winter; and whether, in the event of shortage of labour and tonnage preventing this country placing an adequate amount at their disposal, the Government will themselves take over certain coal mines, place the same at the disposal of the French Government, the coal to be worked by French labour, and transported in French bottoms to its destination?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Sir Albert Stanley)

The Prime Minister has asked me to reply to this question. I would remind the hon. and gallant Member that the Government have already taken possession of the coal mines. The question of the maintenance of supplies of coal to the Allies is one of shipping, and I can assure the hon. and gallant Member that the Shipping Controller is taking every step possible to secure a supply of coal to our Ally.


Is the right hon. Gentleman fully aware of the anxiety felt in Paris on this question? It is very important.


I appreciate that there has been a shortage of coal. I hope we shall take steps to secure some mitigation of the difficulty.