§ 55. Major HUNTasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of the fact that the Regulations limiting the number of courses to be provided at hotels, restaurants, and clubs have quite failed in 1837 limiting the consumption, at and expenditure on meals, he can see his way to limit the amount of money to be expended by each person at each meal, as is done in the case of officers?
Captain BATHURSTI cannot share the view of my hon. and gallant Friend that the Regulation of Meals Order, 1916, has not affected the expenditure on meals taken at hotels, restaurants, and clubs. Apart from its useful moral effect, such meals have been rendered thereby shorter and in most cases less extravagant. I agree, however, that the Order has not had the desired effect in reducing the consumption of certain staple foods, and the Food Controller has under consideration the adoption of more efficient means to secure this object.
§ Major HUNTHas the hon. Gentleman ever been to one of these big restaurants?
Captain BATHURSTYes, Sir, I have taken the opportunity of going to a good many of them, and I have gained thereby some extremely useful information.