§ 33 and 34. Mr. RAFFANasked the Home Secretary (1) whether the Committee appointed to consider the question of authorisations for the use of cocaine in dentistry has now submitted its Report; if so, when copies will be available for the use of Members of tin; House of Commons; and (2) whether the general permits to unregistered practitioners in dentistry to use solutions containing not more than 1 per cent, of cocaine is to be extended beyond 28th February; and, if so, to what date?
35. Mr. DENNISSasked whether the Report of the Committee dealing with the use of cocaine in dentistry may be expected before the end of this month; and, if not, whether the general permit to unregistered dentists as to the use of 1 per cent, cocaine will be extended pending the decision of the Home Office in the matter?
§ Sir G. CAVEI have just received the Report. It will be presented to Parliament to-day and I hope that copies will be available shortly. The Report raises some questions which will require consideration, 1676 and I propose therefore to extend the general permit referred to in the questions for two months.