§ 74. Mr. NEEDHAMasked the President of the Board of Education whether he is now able to publish the Report of the recent inquiry in respect of the Leeds Training College?
Mr. FISHERPending the discussion with the governing body of the future arrangements for the management of the 277 college, which is now proceeding, I think it is very desirable in the public interest that the question of publishing the Report should be deferred.
§ 75. Mr. KINGasked whether an inquiry has been held into the condition of the Leeds Training College; whether a Report has been received; and when the Report will be published?
Mr. FISHERThe answer to the two first questions is in the affirmative. Pending the discussion with the governing body as to the future arrangements for the management of the college, which is new proceeding, I think it very desirable that the question of publishing the Report should be deferred.
§ Mr. KINGIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that practically the whole of the cost of this training college is borne on the Votes of this House, and are the institutions supported practically entirely by this House to be screened and veiled from our gaze?