HC Deb 26 April 1917 vol 92 c2564
77. Mr. FLAVIN

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the attention of the Food Controller has been called to the discontent existing and arising among tea-growers who have patriotically contributed 40. per cent. of their incoming Indian and Ceylon tea-crops to provide a 2s. 4d. tea to the public owing to permission having been given by the Food Controller to blenders, dealers, and distributors to substitute other than Indian and Ceylon tea in the 2s. 4d. controlled tea; whether he is aware that, owing to this permission, commonest low-grade China teas have during the past fortnight risen 2d. per pound on the wholesale market; and will immediate steps be taken to prevent this fraud upon growers and the public generally taking place?


There is no evidence of any considerable discontent on the part of the tea-growers with the arrangements which have been made far ensuring a supply of tea to the public at a reasonable price. The market price of all teas has recently advanced, and the tendency is for this movement to be more emphasised in the case of lower than of higher qualities. I am not aware that such advance is entirely due to the cause suggested.