HC Deb 25 April 1917 vol 92 c2367

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether many managers of the shops of the multiple shop keepers have obtained conditional exemption from tribunals, while the proprietors of one-man businesses have not obtained that exemption; is the military representative instructed to make any difference between the two classes; and, if so, will he see that in future the same action is taken in the case of each class?


No instructions have been given to military representatives to favour employes of multiple-shop undertakings as compared with proprietors of one-man businesses. On the contrary, special instructions were given in November and again in December, 1916, pointing out the procedure to be adopted on the making of applications for withdrawal of exemptions held by multiple-shop employés, with a view to minimising any chance of inequality of treatment.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that scores of men owning one-man businesses are shut up, while multiple shops are still being allowed to thrive?