HC Deb 19 April 1917 vol 92 cc1830-1

(by private Notice) asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the great shortage of coal 3tocks at London railways depots and whether he is aware that this caused the greatest hardship on all small buyers during the recent cold weather and can he specially arrange with the railway and coal committees that London is supplied with sufficient coal stocks so as to prevent the inconvenience caused to the poorer London districts by this scarcity of coal?


This matter has received the attention of the Controller of Coal Mines, who issued telegraphic instructions on Saturday last to all collieries in the districts supplying London to forward daily until further order the same quantities to London as on the corresponding day last year. The railway companies were at the same time asked to give special facilities for the transit of the traffic. Arrangements have also been made with the London merchants that priority will be given to sales in small quantities, and, in particular, that all the merchants will serve small purchasers at their depots at certain times each day at prices 2d. per cwt. below the trolley price for the district.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that coal trucks coming to London are not loaded to their maximum capacity, some of them carrying as much as 2 tons and more less in their load; and in view of this waste of haulage will he have the matter inquired into at once?


I was not aware of that fact, but I will cause inquiries to be made.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that in the Neath Valleys the colieries are only allowed to work one or two days a week on account of the lack of facilities for carrying the coal from there up to London?


I was not aware of that particular case, but similar cases have occurred, and the whole matter is receiving the close attention of the Controller of Coal Mines.


Can the hon. Gentleman say if the special instructions given to the railway companies will be made to apply to these Glamorganshire Valleys?


I should think so.