HC Deb 19 April 1917 vol 92 cc1831-2

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he will cause an immediate production of a statement dealing with the insolvency of the Local Taxation (Ireland) Account for the last financial year, and furnish therewith particulars showing the actual abatements made for the past six years in respect of the customary grant of 4s. per head per week towards the cost of lunatics in district asylums in Ireland with a view of enabling the general council of the county councils of Ireland to formulate a demand for recoupment in accordance with the deferred proposals of the present Prime Minister when Chancellor of the Exchequer?


A statement is being prepared.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he has already drawn, or will at an early date draw, the attention of the Teasury to the ascertained fact that the anticipation of a former Chancellor (Sir Michael Hicks-Beach) that the provision would prove generous protection for the maintenance of the grant has not been realised; and if he will urge on the Treasury that the pressure imposed on the taxpayers compelled by law to meet the demands of district asylums in Ireland has reached a stage that cannot further be borne?


I assume the question to refer to the local Licence Duties and the Grant by which these are supplemented Various deputations from local authorities in Ireland have called my attention to the deficiency in funds now available to meet the necessities of the lunatic asylums, and I believe the difficulty is not limited to Ireland. I am making further inquiries on the subject.