HC Deb 26 October 1916 vol 86 cc1295-6
69. Mr. R. LAMBERT

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that David Sheriff, of Kelso, has been charged with having in his possession without lawful authority or excuse copies of a newspaper called the "Tribunal"; and also that Ernest William Venner was fined£10, or in default two months' imprisonment, by the Gateshead Bench, for distributing copies of the same journal, although the issue in question had been submitted to the Press Bureau and returned as suitable for publication; whether he still adheres to the view that the right course to test the legality of leaflets, etc., was to take proceedings against the publishers or authors, and that only after that had been done and the leaflet condemned by a Court should local action be taken to stop any continued circulation; and, if so, if he will explain why this course was not adopted in the cases named?


I will communicate with the Secretary for Scotland with respect to the first case. The second case came before the Gateshead Bench on 16th June, which was before the arrangements described in my speech of 29th June, to which the hon. Member refers, came into operation. Those arrangements are working satisfactorily.