HC Deb 23 November 1916 vol 87 cc1565-6

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that for purely sweetening purposes a wholesome substitute for sugar can be obtained from coal tar; and, in view of the scarcity and high price of sugar, will he take steps to encourage the manufacture and use of this home-produced substitute for an imported article?


I am aware that certain substances derived from coal-tar products may be used for sweetening purposes. The hon. Member is, I think, aware that these substances possess no food value, and I am advised that it would not be practicable to extend their manufacture in this country at the present time to any material degree in view of the immediate demands on the capacity of the works which are producing explosives.


Docs the hon. Gentleman consider that it would not have good disinfecting qualities?


Will the Parliamentary Secretary consider its possibilities for asphalt?


asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that recently persons in Leeds purchased sugar at higher prices than those generally obtaining; and if, when issuing any Order fixing the maximum price at which any article of food may be sold, he will direct that the maximum price be exhibited at the place of sale, and that the purchaser as well as the seller be held liable in cases where the article is sold at any price higher than the maximum permitted?


I am informed by the Sugar Commission that they are investigating the case referred to. The suggestion contained in the second part of the question shall not be lost sight of in the event of the issue of Orders fixing prices at proscribed figures.

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