HC Deb 21 November 1916 vol 87 cc1192-3
82. Major NEWMAN

asked the Prime Minister whether he is; aware that, with the exception of men passed as fit for general service (Class A), all recruits now called up are given the option of enrolment in the Army Reserve and civil employment in work of national importance at a standard minimum rate of wage; has this decision the sanction of the War Committee of the Cabinet; and is it intended to now call up all men under a certain age, irrespective of the fact that they are in sheltered occupations?


The hon. Member is correctly informed with regard to the present practice. At the moment, and probably for the next two or three weeks, all men, other than skilled men, who are called up for service in the Army, and who are not fit for general service in Category "A," are being given an opportunity of enrolling as Army Reserve Munition Workers. The reason for this is that at the present time the needs of the country are that there should be obtained rapidly a greatly increased mass of fluid unskilled labour for work under the Ministry of Munitions. The military authorities have agreed to men who are not fit for general service receiving temporary exemption conditionally upon enrolling as Army Reserve Munition Workers, and placing their services at the disposal of the Ministry of Munitions, and thus of the country. With regard to the last part of the question, I cannot yet make a definite statement.