HC Deb 15 November 1916 vol 87 c778

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he or the Army Council has authorised General Officers Commanding on Home service to order the arrest of and to keep in close confinement and in constant charge and sight of a warder any officer of our Army who is suspected of an offence against Army Regulations, but against whom no definite charge has been made or trial has taken place by court-martial or otherwise; and whether, under such authority, General Officers Commanding can, without the order of the Seeretary of State for War or the Judge Advocate-General, continue for an indefinite period the close arrest of any officer suspected of an offence by merely renewing the first order of arrest every eight days?


If my hon. Friend will refer to Section 45 of the Army Act and the notes thereto in the Manual of Military Law he will find the information he seeks.