HC Deb 22 May 1916 vol 82 cc1792-3

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the decision of certain Metropolitan boroughs to abandon, in the interests of economy, street watering during the coming summer; whether this step has been taken in consequence of any advice by the Board or has received its approval; whether his medical advisers, having regard to the need for the safeguarding of the health of the public, endorse this policy of the borough councils; whether provincial boroughs are adopting the same line of action; whether he can state approximately the amount of the money saving to the public; and whether, if he has not done so, he will set on foot an investigation into the desirability or the reverse of this new municipal innovation?


I have seen references in the Press to a proposal of certain Metropolitan borough councils to abandon street watering during the coming summer, and I will cause some inquiry to be made into the matter. My advisers would not endorse a policy which involved such a stoppage, but they would probably agree that there are cases where the amount of watering done in ordinary times might be reduced without risk. I have not heard of the abandonment of street watering by provincial authorities. My hon. Friend will realise that in the circumstances I cannot give any estimate as to the probable money saving.