HC Deb 18 May 1916 vol 82 cc1636-7

asked the Minister of Munitions if he is aware that the Clyde workmen who were deported to Aberdeen have applied for employment to the following, among other firms; Henderson and Company, King Street Works; Messrs. Mackinnon and Company, Spring Gardens; Wilson and Company, Wales Street; Pirrie and Company, Union Works; J. Lewis and Company, Albert Quay; Robert Lewis, Esplanade; and Trawlers and Traders Engineering Company, Albert Quay, and in every case have been refused, notwithstanding that the Labour Exchange reports these firms as in need of skilled workmen; whether it is his intention that these men should not be able to earn any wages during their deportation; and, if not, whether he will use his influence to procure employment for these men either in State or private works?


I have already been informed that the men referred to by my lion. Friend had applied for work unsuccessfully, but I had no details of the firms to which they had applied. It is certainly not the intention or desire of my right hon. Friend that these men should not be able to earn any wages during their deportation. If the men will give an undertaking as to good behaviour similar to that which other deported men have expressed their willingness to give, my right hon. Friend will endeavour to secure them employment, if they cannot obtain it through the ordinary channels. While the men are unemployed, allowances are being made to their families.


Can the hon. Gentleman say when a charge will be preferred against these men, and when they are likely to be put on trial?


These men were deported under the Defence of the Realm Act Regulations.


If they were deported, obviously they were deported for a crime committed. If they committed a crime, ought they not to be tried? Then the workers would see the exact charge made against them.


The reasons for their deportation were explained by the authorities to the men on the spot. Certain men were proceeded against on certain charges, and these men were not proceeded against.