HC Deb 09 May 1916 vol 82 cc452-3

(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that hundreds of men from the counties of Cork, Tipperary, and Kerry, arrested without any charge stated, are confined in Cork Gaol, and are treated with the utmost harshness, being kept in solitary confinement, deprived of exercise and prevented from communicating with their relatives, with their clergymen, or with their legal advisers; whether this treatment is being inflicted by a subordinate military officer named Captain Harvest, in spite of the protests of the civil authorities and of Harvest's brother officers; on what charge are these men to be tried and by what tribunal; and is he aware that, considering that no insurrection has taken place in Cork, which has supplied a larger body of recruits for the Army than any other county in Ireland, he will direct some steps to be taken to allay the universal public indignation at the reign of terror established by Harvest. May I also ask the right hon. Gentleman a question, particulars of which have just reached me, whether the police of Cork have just raided the offices of the "Cork Free Press," which is the only newspaper in the South of Ireland which has straightforwardly advocated recruiting since the outbreak of the War, and which has consistently opposed all unrecognised Volunteer associations, and if the news of this grotesque outrage be true will he please say what was the result of the two hours' search?


How can I answer the latter question without notice? I only received notice of the first question this morning. I am making inquiries, and the inquiries shall be prosecuted with the utmost diligence.


When must I put down the question and expect an answer?




Will the right hon. Gentleman relieve the anxiety of women in Ireland whose husbands and sons have been arrested and taken away from them, and have now been away for more than a week without their knowing whether their male relatives are living or dead, and can he say whether some communication will be made to them?


I will inquire into that.