HC Deb 03 May 1916 vol 82 cc17-8
29. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that some women working on what is known as the Baker drilling machine at Messrs. Napiers, Acton, are rated at 15s. 6d. a week plus a war bonus of 6d.; that other women working on the sensitive drilling machine are rated at 15s. 6d. for a week of fifty-four hours; that when men were working on the drilling machines in question they were receiving at least 27s. per week; if he is aware that a woman working in the tools stores, B department, was paid 12s. 6d. for the week ending 12th April for forty-three and a half hours' work, less insurance reduction of 5d.; that in many other departments of the firm similar rates are paid; and whether he is prepared to hold an inquiry in the various departments complained of and invite the representatives of the union to which the women belong when the inquiry is held?


I am inquiring into the facts of this case, and will let my hon. Friend know the result. Meantime, I may remind him that complete machinery is provided under the Munitions of War Acts for dealing with questions relating to the rates of wages paid to female munition workers.


If I show the hon. Gentleman the pay ticket will he be satisfied?


I shall be pleased to see it.