§ 46. Sir J. D. REESasked the Prime Minister whether a German subject domiciled in a neutral country can become the owner of a British vessel under the protection of the British flag; whether enemy subjects are actually running lines of neutral steamers from Spain and elsewhere to British ports; and, if so, whether it is proposed to amend the law in this behalf?
§ Mr. LLOYD GEORGE (for the Prime Minister)The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. I understand that the enemy subject to whom I presume the second part of the question refers has disposed of his interest in the neutral steamers running from Spain to the United Kingdom. The Admiralty and Board of 2245 Trade are constantly on the look-out for the kind of case referred to in the question, and I shall always be grateful for information with regard to any such cases. It is not, I think, necessary at the moment to amend the law in order to deal with them, but the whole question of alien control of British companies owning British ships is receiving careful consideration in connection with postwar conditions.