HC Deb 14 March 1916 vol 80 cc1887-8

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that a workman leaving a munitions works, while compelled to surrender his badge, is permitted to keep his certificate relating to the surrendered badge stating the firm by which he was previously employed; and whether he will issue instruction to abolish this practice and compel the surrender of the badge certificate with the badge on the workman leaving the employment of the firm to whom the badge and certificate were issued?


As my hon. Friend is no doubt aware, the badge certificate in certain circumstances entitles its holder to exemption from military service. The arrangement referred to in the question became necessary in view of Section 2 (3) of the Military Service Act, which provides that "no certificate of exemption shall be conditional upon a person to whom it is granted continuing in or entering into employment under any specified employer or in any specified place or establishment." My right hon. Friend regrets that he is not in a position to vary the instructions which have been issued on this point.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that that certificate states that the man is working for that firm, and that when the man leaves that firm and keeps the certificate it states something which is not correct, and that no recruiting officer has any opportunity whatever of inquiring whether or not the statement in the certificate is correct?


The right hon. Gentleman will remember that when the Act was before the House this matter was specifically considered. To obviate a man being dismissed for other purposes in order that lie might be forced into service, and to show that a man has extra knowledge of munitions work, and is an extra efficient workman, we allow him to retain his certificate. We are only carrying out the law.