HC Deb 29 June 1916 vol 83 c1005
10. Colonel YATE

asked the Home Secretary, considering that it is proposed to give all Irish prisoners interned under Regulation 14 B treatment similar to that of prisoners of war, if he will state what is the difference between the treatment accorded to prisoners of war and that given to ordinary prisoners?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Mr. Herbert Samuel)

It would be impossible to state the difference within the compass of a Parliamentary answer; but, broadly speaking, the treatment of prisoners in prison is penal and reformatory, while prisoners of war are only held for safe custody. The latter are permitted to associate freely, and are allowed books, newspapers, and, within certain limits, amusements.

Colonel YATE

May I ask if it is right then that rebels and traitors from Ireland should be given the same honourable treatment as prisoners of war?


That does not arise out of this question. If the hon. and gallant Member attaches any importance to it, he might put it down.