HC Deb 01 June 1916 vol 82 cc2901-4
63. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Secretary to the Local Government Board whether the Statutory Committee will entertain applications for increased separation allowances on the ground of increased rise in prices?


Among the functions of the Statutory Committee is the duty to frame Regulations for supplementary grants in cases where, owing to the exceptional circumstances of the case, the pension or grant or separation allowance payable out of public funds seems to be inadequate. This would not, in my opinion, empower the Statutory Committee so to frame its Regulations as to cause a general all-round increase in the State separation allowances.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that the Prime Minister, or the Colonial Secretary, replying to this question the other day, said that the Statutory Committee would have the power to increase the separation allowance, owing to the rise in prices? Does not this contradict the agreement of the Cabinet as to policy?


The reply does not contradict it, and the Statutory Committee are now considering any exceptional cases which may call for exceptional treatment.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman the Colonial Secretary, who is here—


That is a subject of debate, and it is almost impossible to raise it by way of question and answer.


I beg to give notice that I will raise the subject on the Adjournment to-day.

64. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Secretary to the Local Government Board how many borough and county local committees under the Statutory Committee are now ready to receive applications; and how many are yet in process of formation?


Up to 27th May, schemes for 64 counties, 84 county boroughs, 12 boroughs or urban districts (over 50,000 population), and 22 boroughs or urban districts (under 50,000) had been approved, and notification of the appointment of 39 local committees had been received out of this number. Twenty-five counties, 4 county boroughs, 6 boroughs and urban districts (over 50,000) and 24 boroughs and urban districts (under 50,000) authorised to send in schemes had not yet sent in schemes. Of the 25 counties, 19 are in Ireland, 4 in Scotland, and 2 in Wales. The schemes of 39 counties, 6 county boroughs, 3 boroughs and urban districts (over 50,000), and 7 boroughs and urban districts (under 50,000) are, for various reasons, the subject of discussion with the local authorities—the usual question being the appointment of a sufficient proportion of labour representatives.

67. Mr. PRATT

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty what proportion, approximately, of men make allotments in favour of dependants?


Approximately 72 per cent. of all the men of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, and mercantile ratings, serving in His Majesty's ships, make allotments in favour of dependants. A goodly proportion of the men employed under the Admiralty are, of course, unmarried men, and some have no dependants. I take this opportunity of reminding my hon. Friend of a statement which I made in the House, the other day, that the amount thus sent through the Admiralty by way of allotment and remittance from pay is roughly about £680,000 a month, and in addition to this, men send private remittances through the Post Office.

69. Mr. P. J. MEEHAN

asked the Postmaster-General why the personal representatives of William Maher, who spent thirteen years as messenger and auxiliary postman in Abbeyleix post office, Queen's County, and who was killed on active service in France, have received no gratuity or allowance?


Of the thirteen years' service given by Mr. Maher only two were pensionable, the remainder not being adult full-time service. The terms of the Superannuation Act of 1909 preclude the grant of a pension or gratuity until at least five years' pensionable service have been given.

124. Mr. PRATT

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if he will state what proportion, approximately, of men make allotments in favour of dependants?


I am afraid the figures are not available. They amount, approximately, to two millions, The hon. Gentleman will understand that private soldiers make private allotments beyond that, and to get the figures would involve an enormous amount of investigation, which I could not undertake to give to it.