HC Deb 18 July 1916 vol 84 cc819-20
6. Colonel YATE

asked whether a man who had completed twenty one years' service and earned his pension before the War, and who rejoined for the War in response to the call for experienced noncommissioned officers, is deprived of his pen- sion on rejoining, and in the event of being wounded and incapacitated the pension he had formerly received is deducted from the amount due to him for his wounds in the present War?


Such a man is not deprived of his pension on rejoining but draws it with his pay. He is not granted a disability pension in addition to his service pension but draws whichever is the greater.

13. Mr. G. LAMBERT

asked the Secretary of State for War whether men in the 1/6th Devon and other Territorial regiments who were serving in the forces for the relief of Kut, and who, although time expired, patriotically volunteered to continue until the operations were concluded on the promise being made that they should be sent to India immediately for their discharge, are now under the Military Service Act detained in India, while others who being time expired did not volunteer to continue in the Kut Relief Force operations have since been returned to England; and, if so, whether the former class will also be returned home and be engaged in military service in the United Kingdom?


As I informed my right hon. Friend on the 13th July, I do not think that present conditions will admit of the men to whom he refers being brought home for service in the United Kingdom. I am informed that there is no record of any promise having been made. It is obvious, however, that the position of men who became time expired before the passing of the second Military Service Act, and were sent home, is different from that of those who have, since the passing of the Act, reached the date on which, but for the existence of the Act, they would have become time expired, and who, on account of the operation of the Act, have been retained in service where they are. Such differences are, I fear, inevitable when general alterations of conditions of service are introduced.


Was there not a promise given to these men that if they volunteered to continue, after the operations were over they should be sent home?


I am informed that no such promise can be traced.