HC Deb 05 July 1916 vol 83 c1515
20. Colonel YATE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether the War Office in reconsidering Army Order No. 1219, of 18th June, 1916, regarding the discontinuance of bands of third-line units of the Territorial Force, will take into consideration the fact that, in the case of the third-line unit of the 4th Leicester Territorial Battalion, the town of Leicester presented the battalion with a fine set of band instruments, that there is no cost to the public for upkeep, that a large proportion of the bandsmen are unfit for active service, and that the band itself is an asset of great military value in the camp in which the battalion is training, and will therefore sanction the continuance of the band?


The question of bands is, as I have stated, being reconsidered, but I cannot yet announce any decision. My hon. and gallant Friend may be assured that this decision will not turn upon the question of the cost of provision and upkeep of instruments. He will realise that the question of personnel is the main element.


Will the right hon. Gentleman keep in mind the suggestion that he should allow bands to continue, provided that all the men fit for general service are discharged from the bands?


Yes, Sir, due weight will be given to that.