HC Deb 23 February 1916 vol 80 c698
72. Mr. C. DUNCAN

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that the firm of Messrs. E. H. Bentall, Limited, of Maldon, have discharged three of their workmen for having joined a trades union; is he aware that this is a controlled firm; will he say whether any controlled firm has the power to make non-unionism a condition of service in face of undertakings given by the principal trades unions to submit differences and disputes to arbitration before taking offensive action against employers of labour; and whether he is aware that, if such action is indulged in by employers, reprisals are certain on the part of the workmen concerned?


My right hon. Friend's attention has been called to this matter, and he is in communication upon it both with the firm and with the union concerned. Should such action have been taken as is described in the question, my right hon. Friend will regard it as most reprehensible.