§ 60. Sir EDWIN CORNWALLasked the Prime Minister how many meetings of the Defence Committee have been held since August, 1914; what is the date of the last meeting; and whether the Sub-Committees of the Committee of Imperial Defence notified as meeting from time to time are Sub-Committees of the War Council or Cabinet?
§ The PRIME MINISTERIn reply to the first part of the question I would refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave him on the 16th November, in which I stated that the functions of the Committee of Imperial Defence since the commencement of the War have in the main been absorbed by the War Committee. This Committee and the old War Council, which was superseded by the War Committee in November last, have met regularly—the latest meeting being held to-day. In answer to the second part of the question, no official notifications of meetings of Sub-Committees of the Committee of Imperial Defence have been made.