HC Deb 08 August 1916 vol 85 c849
87. Mr. O'GRADY

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he has official information to the effect that in Leeds, while the workers in munition factories are asked and have consented to forego their holidays, the work is being repeatedly held up through stoppages in the factories over which the workers have no control and for which they are not responsible; whether information has been conveyed to him that in one instance a dispute arose among women workers standing idle for want of work as to whose turn it was to start on the shells that did come, each squad of women or individual women workers asserting that the job was theirs; and, if so, whether an inquiry will at once be set on foot to institute a system of organisation to avoid these frequent stoppages?


My attention had not previously been called to this matter, and from the inquiries made, up to the present I have not been able to identify the factory in question. If my hon. Friend can indicate the factory or factories to which the statements relate, I will make inquiries.