HC Deb 08 August 1916 vol 85 cc876-7
97. Mr. KING

asked the President of the Board of Education whether the alteration in the code made by his predecessor, which allowed attendance at medical treatment centres to count as attendance at school, was made to meet the interests of those, scholars who were reluctant to attend for medical treatment when by so doing they lost attendance marks at school; whether a new arrangement has now been made with the London education authorities which abolishes this; whether he is aware that as a result a number of children will be debarred either from medical treatment or from securing the prizes or badges for regular attendance; and whether, in the combined interests of medical treatment and regular attendance, he will reconsider his decision?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. An arrangement has now been made by the London education authority, and the sanction of the Board, by which attendance at school and attendance at medical treatment centres will be separately recorded and totalled. The method of recording attendances for the purpose of prizes and other awards is a matter for the discretion of the local education authority, and is not affected by any arrangement between the authority and the Board.