HC Deb 22 September 1915 vol 74 cc438-9

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War, whether the War Office would now consider the desirability of sending out as drafts to first line units soldiers of such of the second and third line units as are considerably under strength, and are not therefore likely to be sent out as units?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Tennant)

I can assure my hon. Friend that the proposal made in his question has not been overlooked. The desirability of keeping the first line units up to strength is of course obvious, but the degree of training attained by the men and the necessities of Home defence have also to be borne in mind.


Would the right hon. Gentleman say whether any steps are being taken, what steps, and whether they have been successful in filling up the second and third line to their proper establishment?


I cannot give a comprehensive reply to so large a question as that at Question Time. No doubt my hon. and gallant Friend is aware that steps have been taken and have in large measure been successful, but it is premature to say at this moment whether they have been fully successful.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that the conditions described in the last question are confined to Wales?